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Missionary Stories with the Millers Review by Lisa Barthuly & Family

By: Mildred A. Martin
Green Pastures Press
HC67, Box 91-1
Mifflin, PA 17058

The Miller's books are always WONDERFUL, and Missionary Stories with the Millers is no exception!

Follow Christian missionaries as they respond to God's call in these stories based on actual happenings in the lives of real people. This book (also available in hardback) boasts 208 pages and 30 different stories! These stories demonstrate God's faithfulness to those who trust him and enlighten the reader (or listener) as to some of the hardships and trials of missionary life. They also demonstrate the hand of God, and His miracles, and His love for us. These stories are full of adventure and come from real missionaries all over the world. We enjoy the Millers so much! The life and character building lessons the children take from their stories is priceless! Another winner from Green Pastures Press!

--Product Review by: Lisa Barthuly & Family, Product Reviewers, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine