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Bless Your Children Everyday Review by Teri Lucas

By Dr. Mary Ruth Swope
The Urban Homemaker

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it, for death or life." Proverbs 18:21

Most books which follow the Jewish family tradition of blessing your children are directed to men touching on other masculine issues as well, such as leadership and fatherhood. "Bless Your Children Everyday" deals solely with the Hebraic concept of pronouncing God's blessing upon your family whether it be children, spouse, grandchildren, or anyone else you choose to bless. It is not a magic "formula" or "program" to gain God's acceptance. It is quite simply "the speaking of God's Word" over those you love. God, Himself, blessed Adam and Eve in the garden. He blessed Abraham and countless others. Today, He is still in the "business of blessing " if you avail yourself to His Word.

"Bless Your Children Everyday" begins with an explanation of the concept of "invoking a blessing." Citing biblical and human examples, Dr. Swope conducts a brief teaching on the subject. Part 2 contains 49 individual "blessings" taken directly from scripture. The references are listed below the prayer for further study. Part 3 shares testimony to the effectiveness of using the Word and harnessing the "power" of our speech for God's glory. Finally, the appendix offers additional resources to complete your study and sharpen your understanding of this wonderful gift from the Lord.

I am very familiar with this concept, but quite frankly, I just hadn't thought of doing this for my children. I pray for my children. I have even asked my husband to "bless" them, but here in "Bless Your Children Everyday" I have found a compact little reference which reminds me to speak the scripture over my children everyday. A meaty little book to keep right alongside the Bible you use for your daily family devotions. You don't have to do the work, but only speak the word. God promises that He will perform His Word. It will not return to Him void, but will accomplish whatsoever He says it will!

--Product Review By: Teri Lucas, Staff Writer, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine