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Bible Memory: Scripture Typer Memorization System FULL APP Review by Cassandra Holdeman

Millennial Apps, LLC
1 Independence Plz
Birmingham, AL 35209

My kids are pretty good at memorizing Bible verses which I love, but I have always wished there was an easier way for them to practice the verses they are memorizing. I have also always wanted an easy way for me to memorize whole Bible verses as I really struggle with memorization. This is why I was very excited to recently receive Bible Memory: Scripture Typer Memorization System from Millennial Apps, LLC to review. I received the Pro version of this app which is the full app to review.

Bible Memory: Scripture Typer is designed to not only help you memorize Bible verses, but also to retain what you memorize. They do this by using three different cognitive areas of your brain. First they use the kinesthetic area, which involves touch. You type the first letter of each word of the Bible verse you are learning and then the words pop up so you memorize both by doing and seeing. The second area they use is your visual area. You can draw pictures and use flash cards within the app to help the verse stick in your mind. The last cognitive area they use is the auditory area. You can record the verse and then play it back so that you can hear yourself repeating the verse. Everything this app does is to help you use their three-step memorization process, which is Type It, Memorize It and Master It. Other features of this app include over 19 translations of the Bible so you can memorize the verses in your preferred translation, the ability to create verse collections so that you can group your verses any way you want, over 9,000 groups that you can join to help you with your memorization or you can start your own group, and a review system that encourages you to regularly review the verses you have mastered. Bible Memory: Scripture Typer Pro is available for iOS devices for just $7.99 on iTunes.

After I downloaded this app on my iPad and set up my account, I chose to try it out before passing it off to the kids so that I could know how it worked. I picked a verse that I wanted to memorize and typed it into the “My Verses” area. Then it asked me to choose my translation and import the verse. After I did this, the verse began flashing through the words and I could type the first letter of each word of the verse. The app had me practice this multiple times to cement the verse in my mind and to keep me practicing it. Each time I got words right, I got points that accumulated and helped me advance in rank. This part of the app felt like a game I could win. I had to keep reviewing the verse until I got 100% on it and then it marked the verse so that now I review it periodically. I have put in more verses for myself that I am working on learning, but have not mastered yet. I feel like this app is helping me memorize verses better when I work on it consistently. It is an app that I plan to continue using.

I finally handed the iPad over to my kids to have them try out this app. My fourth-grade daughter is using this program to work on her verses for a church program. She likes that she can put in her verse for the week and practice it over and over on her own. In the past she would study the verse for awhile and then come to me for me to go over it with her until she got it down. She said the Scripture Typer is faster for her because she can work on it even if I am busy with other things and can’t help her. She also liked being able to record the verse and play it back to see if it was correct.  My ninth-grade son tried out the app with a couple of random verses that he chose just to see what it was all about. He enjoyed the way you type in the first letter of the words of the verse and the rest of the word pops up. He tends to have a photographic memory and said this is how he would teach himself verses before using this app. He also liked that he could put his verses in his own collection so they didn’t get confused with the ones the rest of us were trying to learn. Both of my kids enjoyed the features of this app that they used and they plan to continue using the app when they have Bible verses to memorize.

Overall, we really enjoyed using the Bible Memory: Scripture Typer Memorization System. It is a very helpful and convenient way to memorize Bible verses. We liked the three step method of “Type It, Memorize It, and Master It” that this app uses. We liked being able to earn points and badges for your memorization and this encouraged us to work in the app more. We do plan to look into the “Groups” more to see if there is a challenge group for our family now that it is Fall and we are inside more. We do recommend purchasing this app if you want an easy way to memorize verse and passages from the Bible.

-Product review by Cassandra Holdeman, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, October, 2017