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Ellanor's Exchange Review by Jennifer Pepito

By Linda Hayner
Journey Forth
Greenville, SC 29614

I have to admit that although I love to read, I seldom find new fiction to be worth reading. Aside from a few treasured authors, it seems that newly published books are either poorly written or depressing. I began to read Ellanor's Exchange by Linda Hayner with a skeptical mind but was soon drawn into the fascinating story set in London in the 1600s. The many plot twists and the well-developed characters made it a quick and enjoyable read.

With plenty of court intrigue, this book would make a good addition to your teenage daughter's history studies. It is a bit romantic but not overboard, and the heroes of the story behave in a generally appropriate manner. Though published by Journey Forth, which is affiliated with BJU Press, the book is not overtly Christian. In terms of modeling godly character, it is not another Stepping Heavenward. But for a safe, enjoyable read, it is an excellent choice.

Product review by Jennifer Pepito, Contributing Writer, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, January 2007