Looking Back on Your School Year: Did You Succeed or Fail, Mama?

Hey Mama,
This school year has not been easy. There were times when you would have liked to quit. We have those DAYS sometimes. It feels like it would be better to just go back to bed (or hide under it). Seems pointless . . . or downright “over” at times. All of us fall into that rut. Mama, you are not the only one. You’d be amazed. Believe me! You belong to the Mama Club, and it is not easy. Struggles abound. Stress is a beast. And then things start to look up, only to crash a few days later. It’s a bit of a cycle, isn’t it?
Life as a Christian—lots of trials and tests. Pain even alongside the joy. This life has plenty of trouble. And when “those days” hit, it’s so overwhelming you just feel all done. And not in a good way.
But guess what. You have a 100% success rate in getting past the tough days. Things do get better. And in the midst of it all, your character continues to build because of your Godly perseverance and endurance despite the pain and weariness. These trials produce Godliness—drawing you ever closer to Christ. He will never leave us. He sees. He knows, and there is a plan. None of this is random. But you have learned that, faithful Mama, haven’t you?
Guess what else. When your daughter or D-I-L someday has one of “those days,” you will know exactly how to minister to her. When in her heart it feels “over,” you can put your arms around her and show her that she actually has a 100% success rate in getting past the bad and into the joy again. God takes care of it all. He did it for you when you were a young mom, and He will do it for her now when she is dealing with a household, family, and all the trials of life that will come her way.
She has you.
Don’t forget that. That day is coming, so prepare. Look up. His hand is on your head tonight. And your future is GOOD. The Author of Goodness says so.
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28 ESV*).
See? The Author says so.
~ gena