Fitting Together

/ / Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers


I love puzzles of all kinds—crossword, word search, jigsaw, logic. does, too! Daily Puzzlers are language-based logic puzzles for 2nd through 12th grade students. The puzzles vary in difficulty, so all ages can enjoy them. Students follow the directions in the puzzles to move step by step to the final answer. These puzzles can be used to help a student with comprehension in the reading and understanding of the instructions given, to encourage critical thinking to find the correct answers, and to practice vocabulary. There are 100 puzzles available. Another kind of puzzle I enjoy is the language puzzle. Though a foreign language might not make sense at first, it is like a puzzle. The more pieces you fit together, the easier it is to understand. You can see the bigger picture when the pieces are connected. Hands-on Hebrew with Evonne Mandella is a basic introduction to Hebrew for elementary and middle school students. By the end of the sixteen-week course, students will be able to read a couple of verses from the Old Testament in the original Hebrew. Evonne teaches with a focus on pronunciation guides by using videos, word games, and Scripture references. Students will learn words for family, parts of the body, parts of a house, seasons, times of day, and more.

Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC



"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).