Embracing the New Normal

Welcome to Your New Normal
What? Does that frighten you? It should not! No matter what your new normal is, due to health, finances, job changes, or even COVID-19, God is still there, and He is still at work.
Besides, I can tell you from experience that this new normal will too pass, and there will come a new, new normal that stretches you in a different way. Through it all, remember that God is at work.
I know a lot of you are struggling with having your husbands working from home or gone 14 hours a day or currently unemployed. We as a family lived through a lot of changes in our own home life structure long before the Safer at Home phrase became popular. How did we handle all those changes? One at a time, and only and always through God’s grace and mercy.
Back in 2014, I wrote a piece titled “What About When Life Happens?” that is still just as timely today as it was then. My advice back then and now is still breathe, pray, let go. The Bible tells us repeatedly that God’s ways and thoughts are higher (and better) than our ways and thoughts. Maturing in our faith means learning to trust in His plan over our own plans, over and over and over again.
Maybe your new normal looks like baking bread at home instead of buying it at the store to save money (and trips away from home). Yup. Been there, done that. Today at almost 20 and 22, our girls are pretty good bakers because they learned how to make bread at an early age to help with expenses. Now they make pies and cakes, muffins and scones… and bread.
Is your new normal planting a garden because you need more produce? Been there, done that. Learning how to garden is not just an exercise in economy; it is also an exercise in life. Gardening teaches us lessons in botany, biology, meteorology, and faith. If your kids grow the tomatoes, they are more likely to eat the tomatoes.
Is your husband now working from home? Yeah, not going to lie, we’ve never had that. But what we have lived through several times is dad being at home: while unemployed multiple times, with a broken leg, and after a surgery. This is time for all of you to learn how to respect and value each other. Dads have to learn that they get space, but not all of it, and that life is not quiet. Children learn that dad gets space, but not all of it, and to value time outdoors or reading when he has an important phone call. Moms get to learn that good enough truly is good enough and to not expect perfection from anyone – themselves included. Everyone gets to learn how to share the leftovers, enjoy lunches together, and do their share of the chores.
We face all kinds of challenges and troubles in life – we cannot let that keep us from living a full life – filled with peace, joy, and purpose. Remember, Jesus has overcome the world!
Live like Easter means something special 366 days this year. Wake up each morning and look for the joy in today. Live like you are loved!
A veteran with 16 years of experience, Carol writes with a practical look at the whole journey of home education. She spent the years with her daughters focused on experience-based education and frugal ways to teach and learn well. Her writing offers encouragement that anyone, even working moms, can homeschool successfully. Carol writes for her local newspaper, the Homeschooling with Heart Blog, and other outlets. You can find her love of nature, field trips, and lifelong learners on her blog: Home Sweet Life. Follow along on their adventures on Instagram.