What’s New on in How to Write and Produce a Play

/ / Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers

Marci Hanks has shown us how to choose what kind of play we want to produce, decide who our characters are, and what conflicts they will face. This month, we will determine where our story begins, what will happen during the play, and what the climax will be. We’ll also decide another key element of our play—the setting. Where will your story take place? It can be someplace that is real or imaginary, far away or close to home. It can be in the past, present, or future. But one thing every play must have is a setting. Join Marci this month as she helps you develop your plan for your play.

Don’t worry if you’ve missed a lesson—all of Marci’s lessons remain on the site, so you can start any time you are ready!

Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC

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Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6